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MySensors Library & Examples
Configuration options for the Raspberry Pi Gateway.
configure script for MySensors gateway. Options: Help: -h, --help print this message SPI driver options: --spi-driver=[BCM|SPIDEV] --spi-spidev-device=<DEVICE> Device path. [/dev/spidev0.0] Building options: --soc=[BCM2711|BCM2835|BCM2836|BCM2837|AM33XX|A10|A13|A20|H3|RK3399] SoC type to be used. [configure autodetected] --cpu-flags=<CPUFLAGS> CPU defining/optimizing flags to be used. [configure autodetected] --extra-cflags=<CFLAGS> Extra C flags passed to C compilation. [] --extra-cxxflags=<CXXFLAGS> Extra C++ flags passed to C++ compilation. [] Example: --extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE=\(32\) -DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_2MBPS\)" --extra-ldflags=<LDFLAGS> Extra C flags passed to linking. [] --c_compiler=<CC> C compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc][gcc] --cxx_compiler=<CXX> C++ compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++][g++] --build-dir=<DIR> Compiler directory to store object files. [build] --bin-dir=<DIR> Compiler directory to store binary files. [bin] --arduino-lib-dir=<DIR> Arduino library directory. --no-clean Don't clean previous build artifacts. Installation options: --prefix=<PREFIX> Installation prefix path. [/usr/local] --gateway-dir=<DIR> Gateway files installation directory. [PREFIX/bin] MySensors options: --my-debug=[enable|disable] Enables or disables MySensors core debugging. [enable] --my-config-file=<FILE> Config file path. [/etc/mysensors.conf] --my-gateway=[none|ethernet|serial|mqtt] Set the protocol used to communicate with the controller. [ethernet] --my-node-id=<ID> Disable gateway feature and run as a node with the specified id. --my-controller-url-address=<URL> Controller or MQTT broker url. --my-controller-ip-address=<IP> Controller or MQTT broker ip. --my-port=<PORT> The port to keep open on gateway mode. If gateway is set to mqtt, it sets the broker port. --my-serial-port=<PORT> Serial port. --my-serial-baudrate=<BAUD> Serial baud rate. [115200] --my-serial-is-pty Set the serial port to be a pseudo terminal. Use this if you want to connect to a controller running on the same device. You also need to set the symlink name for the PTY device with the --my-serial-port option. --my-serial-groupname=<GROUP> Grant access to the specified system group for the serial device. --my-mqtt-client-id=<ID> MQTT client id. --my-mqtt-user=<UID> MQTT user id. --my-mqtt-password=<PASS> MQTT password. --my-mqtt-publish-topic-prefix=<PREFIX> MQTT publish topic prefix. --my-mqtt-subscribe-topic-prefix=<PREFIX> MQTT subscribe topic prefix. --my-transport=[none|rf24|rfm69|rfm95|rs485] Set the transport to be used to communicate with other nodes. [rf24] --my-rf24-channel=<0-125> RF channel for the sensor net. [76] --my-rf24-pa-level=[RF24_PA_MAX|RF24_PA_HIGH|RF24_PA_LOW|RF24_PA_MIN] RF24 PA level. [RF24_PA_MAX] --my-rf24-ce-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Enable. --my-rf24-cs-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Select. --my-rf24-irq-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to nRF24L01P IRQ pin. --my-rf24-encryption-enabled Enables RF24 encryption. All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be personalized with the same AES key. --my-rx-message-buffer-size=<SIZE> Buffer size for incoming messages when using rf24 interrupts. [20] --my-rfm69-frequency=[315|433|865|868|915] RFM69 Module Frequency. [868] --my-is-rfm69hw Enable high-powered rfm69hw. --my-rfm69-irq-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to RFM69 IRQ pin. --my-rfm69-cs-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for RFM69 Chip-Select. --my-rfm69-encryption-enabled Enables RFM69 encryption. All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be personalized with the same AES key. --my-rfm95-frequency=[169|315|434|868|915] RFM95 Module Frequency. [868] --my-rfm95-irq-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to RFM95 IRQ pin. --my-rfm95-cs-pin=<PIN> Pin number to use for RFM95 Chip-Select. --my-rfm95-encryption-enabled Enables RFM95 encryption. All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be personalized with the same AES key. --my-rs485-serial-port=<PORT> RS485 serial port. You must provide a port. --my-rs485-baudrate=<BAUD> RS485 baudrate. [9600] --my-rs485-de-pin=<PIN> Pin number connected to RS485 driver enable pin. --my-rs485-max-msg-length=<LENGTH> The maximum message length used for RS485. [40] --my-leds-err-pin=<PIN> Error LED pin. --my-leds-rx-pin=<PIN> Receive LED pin. --my-leds-tx-pin=<PIN> Transmit LED pin. --my-leds-blinking-inverse Inverse the blinking feature. --my-signing=[none|software|password] Message signing. [none] --my-signing-debug Enable signing related debug. --my-signing-request-signatures Enable signature request from nodes that in turn requested gateway signature. --my-signing-weak_security Enable this to permit downgrade of security preferences and relaxed gateway signing requirements. --my-signing-whitelist=<WHITELIST> If you want to use a whitelist, provide it here, make sure to avoid spaces in the <whitelist> expression. --my-signing-verification-timeout-ms=<TIMEOUT> Signing timeout. [5000] --my-security-password=<PASSWORD> If you are using password for signing/encryption, set your password here.