MySensors Library & Examples  2.3.2
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+ Collaboration diagram for Raspberry Pi Gateway:

Configuration options for the Raspberry Pi Gateway.

configure script for MySensors gateway.

    -h, --help                  print this message

SPI driver options:
                                Device path. [/dev/spidev0.0]

Building options:
                                SoC type to be used. [configure autodetected]
    --cpu-flags=<CPUFLAGS>      CPU defining/optimizing flags to be used. [configure autodetected]
    --extra-cflags=<CFLAGS>     Extra C flags passed to C compilation. []
    --extra-cxxflags=<CXXFLAGS> Extra C++ flags passed to C++ compilation. []
                                Example: --extra-cxxflags="-DMY_RX_MESSAGE_BUFFER_SIZE=\(32\) -DMY_RF24_DATARATE=\(RF24_2MBPS\)"
    --extra-ldflags=<LDFLAGS>   Extra C flags passed to linking. []
    --c_compiler=<CC>           C compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc][gcc]
    --cxx_compiler=<CXX>        C++ compiler. [arm-linux-gnueabihf-g++][g++]
    --build-dir=<DIR>           Compiler directory to store object files. [build]
    --bin-dir=<DIR>             Compiler directory to store binary files. [bin]
    --arduino-lib-dir=<DIR>     Arduino library directory.
    --no-clean                  Don't clean previous build artifacts.

Installation options:
    --prefix=<PREFIX>           Installation prefix path. [/usr/local]
    --gateway-dir=<DIR>         Gateway files installation directory. [PREFIX/bin]

MySensors options:
    --my-debug=[enable|disable] Enables or disables MySensors core debugging. [enable]
    --my-config-file=<FILE>     Config file path. [/etc/mysensors.conf]
                                Set the protocol used to communicate with the controller. [ethernet]
    --my-node-id=<ID>           Disable gateway feature and run as a node with the specified id.
                                Controller or MQTT broker url.
                                Controller or MQTT broker ip.
    --my-port=<PORT>            The port to keep open on gateway mode.
                                If gateway is set to mqtt, it sets the broker port.
    --my-serial-port=<PORT>     Serial port.
    --my-serial-baudrate=<BAUD> Serial baud rate. [115200]
    --my-serial-is-pty          Set the serial port to be a pseudo terminal. Use this if you want
                                to connect to a controller running on the same device.
                                You also need to set the symlink name for the PTY device with
                                the --my-serial-port option.
                                Grant access to the specified system group for the serial device.
    --my-mqtt-client-id=<ID>    MQTT client id.
    --my-mqtt-user=<UID>        MQTT user id.
    --my-mqtt-password=<PASS>   MQTT password.
                                MQTT publish topic prefix.
                                MQTT subscribe topic prefix.
                                Set the transport to be used to communicate with other nodes. [rf24]
    --my-rf24-channel=<0-125>   RF channel for the sensor net. [76]
                                RF24 PA level. [RF24_PA_MAX]
    --my-rf24-ce-pin=<PIN>      Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Enable.
    --my-rf24-cs-pin=<PIN>      Pin number to use for rf24 Chip-Select.
    --my-rf24-irq-pin=<PIN>     Pin number connected to nRF24L01P IRQ pin.
                                Enables RF24 encryption.
                                All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be
                                personalized with the same AES key.
                                Buffer size for incoming messages when using rf24 interrupts. [20]
                                RFM69 Module Frequency. [868]
    --my-is-rfm69hw             Enable high-powered rfm69hw.
    --my-rfm69-irq-pin=<PIN>    Pin number connected to RFM69 IRQ pin.
    --my-rfm69-cs-pin=<PIN>     Pin number to use for RFM69 Chip-Select.
                                Enables RFM69 encryption.
                                All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be
                                personalized with the same AES key.
                                RFM95 Module Frequency. [868]
    --my-rfm95-irq-pin=<PIN>    Pin number connected to RFM95 IRQ pin.
    --my-rfm95-cs-pin=<PIN>     Pin number to use for RFM95 Chip-Select.
                                Enables RFM95 encryption.
                                All nodes and gateway must have this enabled, and all must be
                                personalized with the same AES key.
                                RS485 serial port. You must provide a port.
    --my-rs485-baudrate=<BAUD>  RS485 baudrate. [9600]
    --my-rs485-de-pin=<PIN>     Pin number connected to RS485 driver enable pin.
                                The maximum message length used for RS485. [40]
    --my-leds-err-pin=<PIN>     Error LED pin.
    --my-leds-rx-pin=<PIN>      Receive LED pin.
    --my-leds-tx-pin=<PIN>      Transmit LED pin.
    --my-leds-blinking-inverse  Inverse the blinking feature.
                                Message signing. [none]
    --my-signing-debug          Enable signing related debug.
                                Enable signature request from nodes that in turn requested
                                gateway signature.
    --my-signing-weak_security  Enable this to permit downgrade of security preferences and
                                relaxed gateway signing requirements.
                                If you want to use a whitelist, provide it here, make sure to avoid
                                spaces in the <whitelist> expression.
                                Signing timeout. [5000]
                                If you are using password for signing/encryption, set your password here.