MySensors Library & Examples  2.3.2
+ Collaboration diagram for GSM:

Detailed Description

These options control GSM specific configurations.


#define MY_GSM_APN
 APN from your cell carrier / mobile provider. Example:
 Baudrate for your GSM modem. If left undefined, TinyGSM will try to auto detect the correct rate.
#define MY_GSM_PIN
 PIN code for your SIM card, if PIN lock is active.
#define MY_GSM_PSW
 If using a GSM modem, this is the password supplied by your cell carrier / mobile provider. If using ESP8266 as a WiFi modem, this is your WiFi network password.
#define MY_GSM_RX
 If defined, uses softSerial using defined pins (must also define MY_GSM_TX)
#define MY_GSM_SSID
 If using ESP8266 as WiFi modem, this is your network SSID.
#define MY_GSM_TX
 If defined, uses softSerial using defined pins (must also define MY_GSM_RX)
#define MY_GSM_USR
 Supplied by your cell carrier / mobile operator. If not required, leave undefined.