Motion and Sound

written by hek
5pcs HC-SR501 PIR Motion Sensor Module
Detect motion. Features include adjustable sensitivity and trigger delay
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Collision Sensor
Simple switch that can detect collistions.
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In stock - $0.64   Buy
GPS Module
Arduino compatible GPS Module. Model GY-GPS6MV2. Attach this to someting you love and don't want to lose.
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MPU-6050 3 Axis Accelerometer + 3 Axis Gyro
Mount this on something and detect how the object moves.
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Mini PIR Motion Sensor Module
IR Detector Module Pyroelectric Infrared. Small: 10 * 23mm
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RGB, Proximity and Gesture sensor
APDS-9930 RGB, proximity and gesture sensor.
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Sound Sensor
Detect sound level with microphone. Both analog and digital output.
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Triple Axis Accelerometer
Freescales MMA7361 three-axis analog MEMS accelerometer. 2.2V-3.6V
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Triple Axis Compass Sensor
HMC5883L Triple Axis Compass Magnetometer Sensor. 3V-5V
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Vibration sensor
Detect vibrations. Both analog and digital output.
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In stock - $1.05   Buy