Water and Soil

written by hek
Hall Effect Sensor Module
Some water meters generate magnetic field pulses that can be measured by a hall sensor.
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PH Sensor
Too much money? Why not measure PH level of your pool automatically.
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In stock - $50.15   Buy
Rain Detection Sensor
Detect rain! Yeah!
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Rain Sensor
Tippling Bucket rain sensor hardware. Output pulses when a bucket has been filled.
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In stock - $16.39   Buy
Soil Moisture Sensor
Stick these into your plant pots to be notified when they need to be watered.
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In stock - $1.47   Buy
TCRT5000 IR Barrier Line Track Sensor
This line track sensor might be able to measure the turning wheel rate through the water meter glass.
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Water Level Sensor
Use it to detect presence of water or the water level.
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