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MySensors Library & Examples
MySensors specific configuration flags.
Set these in your sketch before including MySensors.h to customize the library to your needs. If the sketch does not define these flags, they will get default values where applicable.
Definition in file MyConfig.h.
Go to the source code of this file.
Macros | |
#define | MY_RS485_BAUD_RATE (9600) |
The RS485 BAUD rate. | |
#define | MY_RS485_MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH (40) |
The maximum message length used for RS485. | |
#define | MY_RS485_SOH_COUNT (1) |
Use this in case of collisions on the bus. 3 might be a good setting. | |
#define | MY_RF24_SPI_SPEED (2*1000000ul) |
Define this if you need to run the SPI clock at a different frequency than the default. More... | |
#define | MY_RF24_CE_PIN (DEFAULT_RF24_CE_PIN) |
Define this to change the chip enable pin from the default. | |
#define | MY_RF24_CS_PIN (DEFAULT_RF24_CS_PIN) |
Define this to change the chip select pin from the default. | |
#define | MY_RF24_PA_LEVEL (RF24_PA_HIGH) |
Default RF24 PA level. Override in sketch if needed. More... | |
#define | MY_RF24_CHANNEL (76) |
RF channel for the sensor net, 0-125. More... | |
#define | MY_RF24_DATARATE (RF24_250KBPS) |
RF24 data rate. More... | |
#define | MY_RF24_BASE_RADIO_ID 0x00,0xFC,0xE1,0xA8,0xA8 |
RF24 radio network identifier. More... | |
#define | MY_RF24_ADDR_WIDTH (5) |
RF24 base address width. | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_PA_LEVEL (NRF5_PA_MAX) |
Default nRF5 PA level. Override in sketch if needed. More... | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_CHANNEL (76) |
RF channel for the sensor net, 0-125. More... | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_MODE (NRF5_250KBPS) |
nRF5 mode. More... | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_BASE_RADIO_ID 0x00, 0xFC, 0xE1, 0xA8, 0xA8 |
nRF5 radio network identifier. More... | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_ADDR_WIDTH (5) |
nRF5 base address width. | |
#define | MY_NRF5_ESB_RX_BUFFER_SIZE (20) |
Declare the amount of incoming messages that can be buffered at driver level. | |
#define | MY_RFM69_FREQUENCY (RFM69_868MHZ) |
The frequency to use. More... | |
#define | MY_RFM69HW false |
Set to true if MY_IS_RFM69HW is set. More... | |
#define | MY_RFM69_TX_POWER_DBM (5) |
Set TX power level, default 5dBm (overridden if ATC mode enabled). | |
#define | MY_RFM69_ATC_TARGET_RSSI_DBM (-80) |
Target RSSI level (in dBm) for RFM69 ATC mode. | |
#define | MY_RFM69_NETWORKID (100) |
RFM69 Network ID. Use the same for all nodes that will talk to each other. | |
Define this to override the default RFM69 IRQ pin assignment. | |
#define | MY_RFM69_IRQ_NUM digitalPinToInterrupt(MY_RFM69_IRQ_PIN) |
RFM69 IRQ number. | |
RFM69 SPI chip select pin. | |
#define | MY_RFM69_SPI_SPEED (4*1000000ul) |
Set to overrule default RFM69 SPI speed. | |
#define | MY_RFM95_FREQUENCY (RFM95_868MHZ) |
The frequency to use. More... | |
RFM95 modem configuration. More... | |
Define this to use the RFM95 IRQ pin. | |
#define | MY_RFM95_IRQ_NUM digitalPinToInterrupt(MY_RFM95_IRQ_PIN) |
RFM95 IRQ number. | |
RFM95 SPI chip select pin. | |
#define | MY_RFM95_SPI_SPEED (4*1000000ul) |
Set to overrule default RFM95 SPI speed. | |
#define | MY_RFM95_TX_POWER_DBM (13u) |
Set TX power level, default 13dBm (overridden if ATC mode enabled) More... | |
#define | MY_RFM95_ATC_TARGET_RSSI (-70) |
Target RSSI level (in dBm) for RFM95 ATC mode. | |
#define | MY_SOFT_SPI_SCK_PIN (14) |
Soft SPI SCK pin. | |
#define | MY_SOFT_SPI_MISO_PIN (16) |
Soft SPI MISO pin. | |
#define | MY_SOFT_SPI_MOSI_PIN (15) |
Soft SPI MOSI pin. | |
If enabled, the routing table is kept in RAM (if memory allows) and saved in regular intervals. More... | |
#define | MY_ROUTING_TABLE_SAVE_INTERVAL_MS (30*60*1000ul) |
Interval to dump content of routing table to EEPROM. | |
#define | MY_NODE_ID (AUTO) |
Node id defaults to AUTO (tries to fetch id from controller). | |
#define | MY_PARENT_NODE_ID (AUTO) |
Node parent defaults to AUTO (tries to find a parent automatically). | |
#define | MY_TRANSPORT_SANITY_CHECK_INTERVAL_MS (15*60*1000ul) |
Interval (in ms) for transport sanity checks. | |
#define | MY_TRANSPORT_DISCOVERY_INTERVAL_MS (20*60*1000ul) |
This is a gateway-only feature: Interval (in ms) to issue network discovery checks. | |
Timeout in ms until transport is ready during startup, set to 0 for no timeout. | |
If enabled, node has to register to GW/controller before being allowed to send sensor data. More... | |
Number of registration retries if no reply received from GW/controller. | |
#define | MY_REGISTRATION_DEFAULT (true) |
Node registration default - this applies if no registration response is received from controller. | |
If defined, library compatibility is checked during node registration. Incompatible libraries are unable to send sensor data. | |
Timeout (in ms) to re-establish link if node is send to sleep and transport is not ready. | |
The wait period (in ms) before going to sleep when using smartSleep-functions. More... | |
#define | MY_OTA_FLASH_SS (8) |
Slave select pin for external flash used for OTA. | |
#define | MY_OTA_FLASH_JDECID (0x1F65) |
Flash JDECID used for OTA. Use (0x00) if unknown. | |
Max buffersize needed for messages coming from controller. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_MAX_SEND_LENGTH (120u) |
Max buffer size when sending messages. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_MAX_CLIENTS (1u) |
Max number of parallel clients (sever mode). | |
The default input pin used for the inclusion mode button. | |
Number of seconds inclusion mode should be enabled. | |
The logical level indicating a pressed inclusion mode button. More... | |
#define | MY_WIFI_BSSID NULL |
BSSID of your WiFi network. | |
Hostname of your device. | |
#define | MY_PORT 5003 |
The Ethernet TCP/UDP port to open on controller or gateway. | |
#define | MY_IP_RENEWAL_INTERVAL_MS (60*1000ul) |
DHCP, default renewal setting in milliseconds. | |
#define | MY_MAC_ADDRESS 0xDE,0xAD,0xBE,0xEF,0xFE,0xED |
Ethernet MAC address. More... | |
Default LEDs blinking period in milliseconds. | |
#define | MY_VERIFICATION_TIMEOUT_MS (5*1000ul) |
Define a suitable timeout for a signature verification session. More... | |
#define | MY_SIGNING_ATSHA204_PIN (17) |
Atsha204a default pin setting. Set it to match the pin the device is attached to. | |
Pin used for random seed generation in soft signing. More... | |
#define | MY_NODE_UNLOCK_PIN (14) |
By grounding this pin during reset of a locked node, the node will unlock. More... | |
#define | MY_NODE_LOCK_COUNTER_MAX (5) |
Maximum accepted occurrences of suspected malicious activity in a node. More... | |
ESP8266 serial modes. More... | |
#define | MY_LINUX_CONFIG_FILE "/etc/mysensors.conf" |
Sets the filepath for the gateway config file. More... | |
#define | MY_IS_GATEWAY |
true when configuration indicate a gateway device, More... | |
#define | MY_NODE_TYPE |
"GW" for gateways, REPEATER" for repeaters, "NODE" for nodes, More... | |
#define | DEBUG_OUTPUT(x, ...) |
debug NULL | |
Automatically set when building for SAMD targets. | |
#define | ARDUINO_ARCH_NRF5 |
Automatically set when building for nRF5 targets. | |
#define | ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP8266 |
Automatically set when building for ESP8266 targets. | |
#define | ARDUINO_ARCH_ESP32 |
Automatically set when building for ESP32 targets. | |
#define | ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR |
Automatically set when building for AVR targets. | |
#define | ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32F1 |
Automatically set when building for STM32F1 targets. | |
#define | TEENSYDUINO |
Automatically set when building for Teensy targets. | |
Serial device port. | |
Set serial as a pseudo terminal. More... | |
Grant access to the specified system group for the serial device. | |
deprecated option | |
deprecated option | |
Define this to enable the inclusion mode feature. | |
Enables inclusion-mode button feature on the gateway device. More... | |
Define MY_PARENT_NODE_IS_STATIC to disable fall back if parent node fails. | |
If defined, node registration request has to be handled by controller. | |
If defined, disables uplink check to GW during transport initialisation. | |
If defined, will cause node to check transport in regular intervals to detect HW issues and re-initialize in case of failure. More... | |
Enable this to activate intrusion prevention mechanisms on the node. | |
Enables repeater functionality (relays messages from other nodes) More... | |
#define | MY_PASSIVE_NODE |
If enabled, the node operates fully autonomously, i.e. messages are sent without ACKing. More... | |
Enables MQTT client to set the retain flag when publishing specific messages. | |
#define | MY_MQTT_PASSWORD |
Used for authenticated MQTT connections. More... | |
#define | MY_MQTT_USER |
Used for authenticated MQTT connections. More... | |
#define | MY_MQTT_CLIENT_ID |
Set client ID for MQTT connections. More... | |
Set prefix for MQTT topic to publish to. More... | |
Set prefix for MQTT topic to subscribe to. More... | |
Enables signal report functionality. More... | |
Define this to inverse the LED blinking. More... | |
Define to use own indication handler. | |
Disables over-the-air reset of node. | |
If defined, routing table will not be kept in RAM. More... | |
#define | MY_LOCK_DEVICE |
Enable read back protection. More... | |
#define | MY_CORE_ONLY |
Define this if you want to use core functions without loading the framework. | |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to the gateway transport. | |
Define this to change the default state for MY_INCLUSION_BUTTON_PRESSED. | |
Enables an inclusion mode LED indicator on the gateway device. More... | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_W5100 |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on the W5100 module. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_ENC28J60 |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on the ENC28J60 module. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_ESP8266 |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on the ESP8266. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_ESP32 |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on the ESP32. | |
#define | MY_WIFI_SSID |
SSID of your WiFi network. | |
#define | MY_WIFI_BSSID |
BSSID of your WiFi network. | |
#define | MY_WIFI_PASSWORD |
Password of your WiFi network. | |
#define | MY_HOSTNAME |
Hostname of your device. | |
#define | MY_GATEWAY_LINUX |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on Linux. | |
Define this for Ethernet GW based on GSM modems supported by TinyGSM library. | |
Define this for MQTT client GW. | |
Define this for Serial GW. | |
#define | MY_IP_ADDRESS |
Static ip address of gateway. If not defined, DHCP will be used. More... | |
IP address of your broadband router/gateway, if not using DHCP. More... | |
Subnet address of your local network, if not using DHCP. More... | |
#define | MY_USE_UDP |
Enables UDP mode for Ethernet gateway. More... | |
If this is defined, gateway will act as a client trying to contact controller on MY_PORT using this IP address. More... | |
If this is defined, gateway will act as a client (ethernet or MQTT) trying to contact controller on the given URL. More... | |
#define | MY_GSM_APN |
APN from your cell carrier / mobile provider. Example: 4g.tele2.se. | |
#define | MY_GSM_BAUDRATE |
Baudrate for your GSM modem. If left undefined, TinyGSM will try to auto detect the correct rate. | |
#define | MY_GSM_PIN |
PIN code for your SIM card, if PIN lock is active. | |
#define | MY_GSM_PSW |
If using a GSM modem, this is the password supplied by your cell carrier / mobile provider. If using ESP8266 as a WiFi modem, this is your WiFi network password. | |
#define | MY_GSM_RX |
If defined, uses softSerial using defined pins (must also define MY_GSM_TX) | |
#define | MY_GSM_SSID |
If using ESP8266 as WiFi modem, this is your network SSID. | |
#define | MY_GSM_TX |
If defined, uses softSerial using defined pins (must also define MY_GSM_RX) | |
#define | MY_GSM_USR |
Supplied by your cell carrier / mobile operator. If not required, leave undefined. | |
Define this with a value that correspond to your placement of the error indication LED. More... | |
Define this with a value that correspond to your placement of the TX indication LED. More... | |
Define this with a value that correspond to your placement of the RX indication LED. More... | |
Enables SW backed signing functionality and encryption functionality in library and uses provided password as key. More... | |
Enables SW backed signing functionality in library and uses provided password as key. More... | |
Enables encryption on all radio transports that supports it and uses provided password as key. More... | |
#define | MY_SIGNING_ATSHA204 |
Enables HW backed signing functionality in library. | |
#define | MY_SIGNING_SOFT |
Enables SW backed signing functionality in library. | |
Enable this to inform gateway to sign all messages sent to this node. More... | |
Enable this to permit downgrade of security preferences and relaxed gateway signing requirements. More... | |
Define to turn on whitelisting. More... | |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to signing. | |
Helper flag to indicate that some signing feature is enabled, set automatically. | |
Helper flag to indicate that some encryption feature is enabled, set automatically. More... | |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to FOTA updates. | |
#define | MY_OTA_USE_I2C_EEPROM |
Define this if you want I2C EEPROM instead of a SPI flash. Used EEPROM needs to be large enough, an 24(L)C256 will do as minimum. HW I2C assumed. This will exclude the SPI flash code. Note that you also need an updated DualOptiboot supporting I2C EEPROM! | |
#define | MY_RS485 |
Define this to use the RS485 wired transport for sensor network communication. | |
#define | MY_RS485_DE_PIN |
RS485 driver enable pin. | |
#define | MY_RS485_DE_INVERSE |
Define this if RS485 driver enable pin polarity is inverted (low-active). | |
#define | MY_RS485_HWSERIAL |
Define this if RS485 is connected to a hardware serial port. More... | |
#define | MY_RADIO_RF24 |
Define this to use a RF24-based radio transport for sensor network communication. | |
#define | MY_RADIO_NRF24 |
Define this to use a RF24-based radio transport for sensor network communication. More... | |
#define | MY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RF24 |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to the RF24 driver. | |
#define | MY_RF24_POWER_PIN |
Define this to use the RF24 power pin (optional). | |
#define | MY_RF24_IRQ_PIN |
Define this to use the IRQ pin of the RF24 module (optional). | |
Define this to enable software based AES encryption. More... | |
This enables the receiving buffer feature. More... | |
Define this to change the incoming message buffer size from the default. More... | |
#define | MY_RADIO_NRF5_ESB |
Define this to use nRF5 based radios for sensor network communication. More... | |
Define this to enable software based (RF24 compatible) AES encryption. More... | |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to the nRF5 driver. | |
Switch to SI24R1 or faked nRF24L01+ compatible ACK mode. ACK bit is reversed on RX side. | |
Switch to SI24R1 or faked nRF24L01+ compatible ACK mode. ACK bit is reversed on TX side. | |
#define | MY_RADIO_RFM69 |
Define this to use RFM69 based radios for sensor network communication. | |
#define | MY_IS_RFM69HW |
Define this if you are using the RFM69HW model. | |
#define | MY_RFM69_NEW_DRIVER |
Define this to enable the improved RFM69 driver. More... | |
#define | MY_RFM69_POWER_PIN |
Define this to use the RFM69 power pin (optional). | |
RFM69 modem configuration, default is RFM69_FSK_BR55_5_FD50 More... | |
Define this to enable AES encryption in the RFM69 module. More... | |
Define to disable ATC mode of RFM69 driver. | |
Set max TX power in dBm if local legislation requires this. More... | |
#define | MY_RFM69_RST_PIN |
Define this to use the RFM69 reset pin (optional). | |
#define | MY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RFM69 |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to the RFM69 driver. | |
Define this for verbose dumping of the RFM69 registers. | |
#define | MY_RADIO_RFM95 |
Define this to use RFM95 based radios for sensor network communication. | |
#define | MY_DEBUG_VERBOSE_RFM95 |
Define this for verbose debug prints related to the RFM95 driver. | |
Define this to enable software based AES encryption. More... | |
Define to disable ATC mode of RFM95 driver. | |
#define | MY_RFM95_RST_PIN |
Define this to use the RFM95 reset pin (optional). | |
RFM95 modem configuration. More... | |
#define | MY_RFM95_POWER_PIN |
Define this to use the RFM95 power pin (optional). | |
#define | MY_RFM95_TCXO |
Enable to force your radio to use an external frequency source (e.g. TCXO, if present). More... | |
Set max TX power in dBm if local legislation requires this. More... | |
#define | MY_SOFTSPI |
Define this to use a software based SPI driver which allows more freedom in pin selection for the (supported) radio module. | |
#define | MY_BAUD_RATE (115200ul) |
Serial output baud rate (debug prints and serial gateway speed). More... | |
#define | MY_SERIAL_OUTPUT_SIZE (120u) |
Maximum characters for serial output. More... | |
#define | MY_DEBUG |
Define MY_DEBUG to show debug prints. More... | |
#define | MY_DEBUGDEVICE |
Define MY_DEBUGDEVICE to redirect debug prints. More... | |
#define | MY_DEBUG_OTA |
Define MY_DEBUG_OTA to (nodeID) to redirect debug prints to given node ID. More... | |
Define MY_DEBUG_OTA_DISABLE_ECHO to send messages without requesting the destination to echo the message. More... | |
#define | MY_SPECIAL_DEBUG |
Define MY_SPECIAL_DEBUG to enable support for I_DEBUG messages. More... | |
Define MY_DISABLED_SERIAL if you want to use the UART TX/RX pins as normal I/O pins. More... | |
If defined, will disable the MySensors splash screen. More... | |
Define this to enable printing of OTA logs. More... | |
Define this to enable printing of OTA logs. More... | |